Hosting Parameters
Breezy Domains realizes that our members need to get the best web hosting at a reasonable price. That is why we provide you with a detailed price comparison of the best web hosting . These price comparisons are categorized with respect to the selected server type and selected server palns.Our categories include Windows, Linux, blog hosting, dedicated servers, and many more. A detail on web hosting paramters and our features are listed here
Domain Hosting
Our Domain Hosting Program does just hosts your domain name on its servers so Internet users anywhere can type in your URL and access your Website by domain name. We provide a facility if the member is just needed a domain name now, not a server pakckage , it is possibel via breezy domains. After the regitsration you will be able to find the domain hosting program implementaion. At this time there is no need to select a server package but an avalable domain name for hosting
PHP Hosting
PHP hosting allows your Website make use of all the features of the open-source PHP script. PHP scripts can be embedded in HTML and can be executed by the host's servers to generate dynamic content on your site. The most recent versions of PHP are PHP 4 and PHP 5. PHP helps drive the MySQL database, which explains why so many dynamic and data-rich sites take advantage of PHP scripts. We also supports Coldfusion Hosting, PERL hosting and Hosting with Ruby on Rails (ROR).
ASP.Net Hosting /C# Hosting
Our Windows-based Server provider uses Microsoft's Windows software to drive its servers. The operating system allows Windows hosts to offer their customers Microsoft-licensed technology like ASP, .NET, C#,Visual Basic,VB.Net and Visual Interdev. We support .Net Framework 1.1 to .3.5
Shared Hosting
Our Shared hosting accommodates multiple Websites on a single server by allocating each site its own server space. Our Reseller plans also workout with the similar mechanism.
Email Hosting
Email hosting uses email servers to provide outsourced email services to small- and medium-sized businesses and other customers. An email host can help accommodate large or complex email demands without the need to own and maintain your own in-house email server. Our Email Server provides POP3 and SMTP details to our customers so that they can configure it in their outlook or any other similar program. We also provide Web based interface to login to your inbox from any part of the world.
  Reseller Options
  Earn money. Save money. BreezyDomains Reseller program will help you achieve it! Whether you're a designer who wants to increase your margin by saving on hosting, an individual who knows someone who needs a Web site or a small business who wants to earn more through your Web site, we have a plan that will work for you.Join with us as a reseller and you can enjoy the pleasure of extra revenue
Sell BreezyDomains' Services & increase your profitability
  * Sell hosting under your brand.
* Park as many domains as you want
* Create Email Ids for your Clients
* Manage the domain Renewals every year
* Robust plans and products.
* Reseller Support Team available round the clock.
BreezyDomains Web Hosting Control System
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