Help & FAQ
Breezy Domains is pleased to provide our Hosting Clients with a comprehensive help section dedicated to providing you with the highest level of quality support in the Industry.If at any time you are unable to find what you are looking for, please feel free to contact us. Our customer care executives are waiting to assist you.
Freequently Asking Questions - You may have the same queries
This area of application is allocated to our valued customers to post their queries. We will give quick response to all these queries.Our Customer care executives will give immedeate replys to all these queries.To post in your query in this section, you should be a registered member of our portal. But dont worry normal users can discuss your ideas ,comments and queries in the Open Forum of Breezy Domains. Click here if you want to be member.Existng members Login here. The queries with public view enabled will be listed in this area. The members can hide your comments form posting in FAQ area by disabiling the public view.